Understanding The ‘Outside of Hospital’ Strategy

On September 29 we celebrate World Heart Day, with the aim of increasing awareness of cardiovascular diseases and how to control them to negate their global impact.

Therefore, we thought it would be appropriate to devote our case of this month to the changing landscape of heart-related medical solutions providers.

The question

Our client, a global company that provides life-changing medical solutions, came to us with a very clear question: does our Outside of the Hospital (OTH) strategy for both new and existing Office Based Labs (OBL’s) meets the needs of customers?

Our client wanted to know if their current OTH strategy was aligned with the customer needs or needed adjustments. Some of the questions we needed to explore, were:

  • Is the strategy meeting the needs of their customers?
  • How can the strategy be optimized?
  • How do clients see the customers’ business?
  • What’s the priority of the clients?

The end goal

As the mission of our client is to transform lives through innovative medical solutions, it’s important to apply a well-considered client strategy that fills their needs.

For that, we needed to gain insights about, the challenges that OBL’s and ASC’s face, the most and least associated vendors in the industry and the perceptions about statements looking into the future.

Our approach

For this case, we conducted a quantitative study with physicians who own or operate in an OBL in the US. Furthermore, we also conducted 60 online surveys of 20 minutes.

We made our targeted profiles as specific as possible. We focused on interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons and interventional cardiologists.

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Our outcomes

Regarding the most and least associated vendors in the industry, we found out that our client is the most associated vendor when it comes to the best medical device offering.

Main goals and unmet needs were assessed and aligned with the current offerings of our client and competitive vendors.

When we studied the statements looking into the future, we discovered that most of the target group agreed with the statement that peripheral procedures will continue to grow over the next years due to underlying trends.

This means that change is inextricably part of the industry where our client takes part of, so they have a great potential to grow even more as one of the greatest vendors of innovative medical solutions.

The main outcome of this case, is that we recommended our client some purposeful changes in client strategy that will fill the unmet needs of the existing OBL’s (5+ years) including tactics that can be deployed to grow share while maintaining margin.

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