Tim Petermann

Principal Chemist

Expertise Areas:

Chemical Characterization, FDA

Related Services:

Tim Petermann has been in the MedTech industry for over 11 years, with 7 years focused on medical devices specifically in the field of Extractables & Leachables (E&L) Testing.

He is frequently involved in the development of suitable E&L study designs for a broad range of medical device types such as orthopedic implants, resorbable devices, and externally communicating devices. His work focuses on method and process development in E&L testing, where he participates in regular meetings with the FDA to conduct round-robin studies and discuss the challenges in the E&L field. Moreover, he is a regular speaker at medical device conferences where he presents NAMSA’s scientific point of view in the field of chemical characterization.

In his former role, he worked as an analytical chemist for a Contract Research Organisation (CRO) in the fields of dietetic food, food supplements, and pharmaceuticals.

Tim graduated as a food chemist in 2012 at the University of Würzburg and after one year at the State Office for Health and Food Safety, Bavaria, Germany, as a state-certified food chemist in 2013.


Core Competencies:

  • Supporting client calls and answering client questions on study designs
  • Supporting special testing (protocol/report creation, discussion with clients)
  • Supporting clients with FDA feedback
  • Method development and qualification/validation
  • Validation of computerized systems
  • Responsible for technical questions in accreditation and client audits
  • Deputy head of the test facility for Obernburg in the sense of ISO 17025
  • Attending and presenting at E&L and medical device conferences
  • Supporting Nonconformance and CAPA investigations
  • System administration of chromatographic data systems (CDS)


Recent Projects:

  • Establishing a Thermo UHPLC-MS based non-target Screening platform
    • The goal is to set up an efficient and state-of-the-art solution for non-volatile organic compound screening for NAMSA’s chemical characterization program.
  • Developing a viable approach for polar extractions of resorbable medical device materials together with clients

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