Medical Device Bioskills and Physician Training

Why Companies Choose NAMSA


Medical Device Preclinical Projects Last Year


Fully Equipped Operating Rooms in US and Europe


Board-Certified DABT Toxicologists on Staff


Medical Device and IVD Manufacturers Served Last Year

Physician and User Training

Expectations from regulators for physician training and human factors testing are continuing to grow. It’s more important than ever to bring physicians, engineers, and technical staff into the simulation lab to learn and train on medical devices. It is essential that they overcome the learning curve with these complex systems as they accurately simulate the feel and rigors of an operating room (OR) or catheterization lab. NAMSA’s facilities can fulfill this need, as well as host or train your internal trainers with expertise from our staff.

Performing human cadaver studies since 2006, our Minneapolis USA lab is an approved human cadaver site authorized to perform device evaluations. We provide whole body cadavers as well as partial cadavers or various tissues. Combining our access to tissues with our equipment and expertise allows us to provide device evaluations at the highest levels. We also provide in vivo tissue for use in wet lab device evaluations.

Imaging Equipment in Our Labs

NAMSA labs in the US and France contain a total of 14 fully equipped operating rooms and cat labs, equipped with:

  • Dual-Source, 128-slice Computed Tomography (CT)
  • Micro-CT
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Fixed and Mobile Cath Lab C-Arms
  • Transthoracic Ultrasound (TTE)
  • 3D Intracardiac Ultrasound (ICE)
  • 3D Transesophageal Ultrasound (TEE)
  • Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)
  • 3D Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
  • Endoscopy Towers
  • X-Ray Imaging, including Faxitron

AV Technology Allows Observation On-Site or Remotely

NAMSA operating rooms and cath labs are equipped with glass walled observation rooms and large in-room monitors. If you or someone on your team is unable to attend on-site, our facilities are also equipped with high resolution video cameras and two way audio communications for live streaming. We offer the ability to record procedures for future reference or training purposes.

Specimen Preparation Techniques

  • Fresh or Fixed Tissue
  • Full or Partial Perfusion
  • Resin and Silicone Casts

Deep Expertise In Numerous Device Categories

NAMSA tested nearly 120,000 devices last year so we’ve seen nearly every combination of technologies. We also have extensive preclinical and clinical experience in a wide variety of device categories.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about our facilties and experience with physician and bioskills training?

Schedule a Consultation

Meet Our Experts

Explore the depth of our team’s preclinical expertise.

Meet Our Team
  • Michael A. Jorgenson, BS

    Principal Interventionalist
    View Bio
  • Jessica Barnhart

    View Bio
  • Tyler LaMont

    Senior Interventionalist
    View Bio

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